Paco Pet Shop - Bg Hero
Beaphar Lactol Nursing Set for Puppies and Kittens
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Beaphar Lactol Nursing Set for Puppies and Kittens

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Various: Complete Set

Beaphar Nursing Set contains a soft bottle, 4 teats and a cleaning brush. The bottle is suitable for both puppies/kittens and adult animals.

Pierce the tip of the teat with a pin, or cut off a small end of the tip. Be careful: too large a hole can cause the puppy to regurgitate. Do not allow the animal to chew on the teat. When the milk is finished, remove the bottle. Sterilize the teat and bottle carefully after each use. If liquid dishwashing liquid is used, rinse carefully.

Can also be used to feed sick or post-traumatic subjects.


Beaphar NursingSet contains everything needed for nursing puppies: a soft bottle, 4 teats and a cleaning brush. Suitable for dogs, kittens, rabbits, hedgehogs. Can also be used to feed sick or convalescent animals.

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Beaphar Lactol Nursing Set for Puppies and Kittens
Complete Set


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prodotti selezionati

Beaphar Nursing Set contains a soft bottle, 4 teats and a cleaning brush. The bottle is suitable for both puppies/kittens and adult animals.

Pierce the tip of the teat with a pin, or cut off a small end of the tip. Be careful: too large a hole can cause the puppy to regurgitate. Do not allow the animal to chew on the teat. When the milk is finished, remove the bottle. Sterilize the teat and bottle carefully after each use. If liquid dishwashing liquid is used, rinse carefully.

Can also be used to feed sick or post-traumatic subjects.

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Beaphar Lactol Nursing Set for Puppies and Kittens

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