Carnilove Crunchy Snack with Duck and...
Carnilove Crunchy Snack with Duck and Raspberry for CatsCarnilove Duck and Pheasant...
Carnilove Duck and Pheasant Croquettes for Adult DogsCarnilove Duck and Pheasant Hairball...
Carnilove Duck and Pheasant Hairball for Adult CatsCarnilove Fresh Carp and Trout for...
Carnilove Fresh Carp and Trout for Sterilized CatsCarnilove Fresh Chicken and Rabbit...
Carnilove Fresh Chicken and Rabbit for Adult CatsCarnilove Lamb and Wild Boar...
Carnilove Lamb and Wild Boar Croquettes for Adult DogsCarnilove Lamb and Wild Boar for...
Carnilove Lamb and Wild Boar for Sterilized Adult CatsCarnilove Salmon Croquettes for Adult...
Carnilove Salmon Croquettes for Adult DogsCarnilove Salmon for Sensitive Cats
Carnilove Salmon for Sensitive CatsCarnilove Semi-Humid Snack for Dogs...
Carnilove Semi-Humid Snack for Dogs with Duck and RosemaryCarnilove Semi-Humid Snack with...
Carnilove Semi-Humid Snack with Sardines and Parsley for CatsCarnilove Semi-moist Snack for Dogs...
Carnilove Semi-moist Snack for Dogs with Carp and ThymeDescrizione
Carnilove dog and cat kibble is made from premium ingredients, chosen with respect for the natural evolution of dogs and cats. The ingredients that make up Carnilove are carefully selected and are mostly of animal origin. The kibbles are flavored with meats such as reindeer, pheasant, turkey, wild boar and salmon, which have the characteristic of reproducing the composition of natural prey and ensure adequate protein intake. Carnilove products are free of grains, which are not part of the primal diet of dogs and cats; while they are rich in berries, vegetables and herbs and are natural sources of important nutritional elements such as vitamins, antioxidants and many others.
Carnilove expands! Cat wet foods, Snacks and the new Carnilove Fresh line for dogs and cats arrive.
Carnilove expands its line of handpicked products for dog and cat nutrition with new cans of wet food for your kitty. Choose delicious shreds with the highest quality protein to ensure your cat is healthy and satisfied at every meal.
Also arriving are the long-awaited Semi-moist snacks for Dogs, in four recipes with exclusive proteins
Also born is the new Carnilove Fresh line, with fresh meat and fish, available in three recipes for dogs and two recipes for cats, all grain- and potato-free.
Carnilove: guaranteed formulas with no chemicals, dyes or preservatives
Carnilove's priority is dog and cat health and fitness. The broad spectrum of carefully selected meats, which traditionally would have been obtained in the wild, such as elk, duck, pheasant, lamb, wild boar, and salmon, matches the composition of naturally hunted prey and ensures the necessary supply of important amino acids. Berries vegetables and herbs provide necessary natural vitamins, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients. The ingredients and their ratio correspond to the diet of dogs before the spread of agriculture, but the products are made using the latest methods and technologies.
Carnilove is formulated with respect for the natural dietary needs of cats and dogs. Grain-free formulas, rich in wild-caught animal ingredients such as salmon, turkey, duck, pheasant, lamb, reindeer and wild boar, and also containing berries and medicinal herbs, provide proteins, fats, vitamins and natural antioxidants essential for optimal physical condition and strengthening the immune system.
Carnilove: dog and cat food exported to 55 countries around the world
Carnilove is a family business with twenty years of experience in the world of dog and cat food. Carnilove has a total annual production capacity of 120,000 tons of pet food from its three modern production facilities located in the Czech Republic, exported to 55 countries around the world. Carnilove's know-how is derived from extensive experience in the field of canine and feline nutrition, and the professionals responsible for food quality are devoted breeders themselves. The quality of the production process is certified in accordance with ISO 9001 and HACCP quality criteria.
Public price list updated as of 01/04/2022