Diets and supplements for dogs with orthopedic problems

Diets and supplements for dogs with orthopedic problems
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Diets and supplements for dogs with orthopedic problems


Orthopedic problems in dogs are very common, and both older dogs (due to arthrosis problems) and young dogs (due to problems related to growth disorders) are affected. The best nutritional strategy to manage orthopedic problems should be structured according to the dog's age; orthopedic problems are differentiated into dog orthopedic problems in youth and in adulthood and old age.

The best products to solve your dog's orthopedic problems can be found at Paco Pet Shop, discover Top brandssuch as NBF Lanes, Hill's Prescription Diet and Purina.


Orthopedic problems of the dog in young age

Orthopedic problems in the young dog usually result from hereditary problems or from overfeeding problems. In either case, it will be necessary to slow the puppy's growth rate through a food specially formulated for puppies. Recommended foods should contain a level between 0.8-1.0% calcium so as not to incur excesses. To reduce the painful reaction it may be helpful to add substances such as chondroprotectants, fatty acids such as EPA acid and PEA.

Orthopedic problems of the dog in adulthood/elderly age

Orthopedic problems of the adult/elderly dog are the consequence of arthrosis. Arthrosis can be localized to the limbs or spine and is more common in certain breeds(German shepherd, rottweiler, dachshund, retriever, giant breed dogs). Arthrosis leads to degeneration of the joint and theonset of constant pain. From the dietary point of view, it will be helpful to make the animal lose weight by using low-energy food supplemented with a lower kcal/100g content with substances that reduce symptoms (chondroprotectants, EPA, PEA, etc.).