Paco Pet Shop - Bg Hero
M-PET Iris Interactive Bowl for Dogs and Cats
M-PET Iris Interactive Bowl for Dogs and Cats
Vale 120 punti

M-PET Iris Interactive Bowl for Dogs and Cats

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Measure: Measures 38 x 34 x 5 cm

M-PETS Iris is the innovative interactive play bowl-table for cats and dogs. With its maze-like structure, it stimulates the cat and dog to find a convenient way to get kibble.

M-PETS IRIS is indicated in dogs that eat food too fast (voracity) and thus risk taking in air along with the meal. Excessive air in dogs' stomachs causes grumbling, difficulty in digestion and bloating, impairing the proper intake of the nutrients in the meal. M-PETS Iris stimulates the voracious dog to obtain food more slowly, thanks to its labyrinth structure.


M-PET Iris is the Interactive Bowl indicated as an intelligence game for dogs and cats or to slow down food intake by the most voracious animals

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M-PET Iris Interactive Bowl for Dogs and Cats
Measures 38 x 34 x 5 cm


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M-PETS Iris is the innovative interactive play bowl-table for cats and dogs. With its maze-like structure, it stimulates the cat and dog to find a convenient way to get kibble.

M-PETS IRIS is indicated in dogs that eat food too fast (voracity) and thus risk taking in air along with the meal. Excessive air in dogs' stomachs causes grumbling, difficulty in digestion and bloating, impairing the proper intake of the nutrients in the meal. M-PETS Iris stimulates the voracious dog to obtain food more slowly, thanks to its labyrinth structure.

Measure 38x34x35 cm

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M-PET Iris Interactive Bowl for Dogs and Cats

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Grazie da Paco ❤️


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Paco Pet Shop - Bg Hero